Adenike Wellington, movie industry newest sensation, better late than never

Adenikẹ Wellington (aka Sisi Wellie) a Secretarial Admin graduate of the Yaba College of Technology, and of the Transworld Tutorial College, United Kingdom has been known to have unusual passion for the movie industry and has been doing drama since 1998 while still in employment.

After retirement, in 1998 at age 58 (better late than never), she enrolled with the Legacy School of Performing Arts, Kunle Afod group. Shortly after her 60th Birthday in year 2020, she graduated from the Theatre School. Before the graduation, and up till now she has featured in not less than 30 movies.

You have been in the movie industry for a while, what’s your opinion of the industry?

The movie industry is progressing and gaining acceptance. Those in the movie industry are no longer seen as unserious people unlike in the olden days.

How do you combine being at production sets with role of a grandma at the same time?

Though a grandma being at the production sets is not an inhibition. The grandkids are with their parents.

A role for sex! Have you been asked such throughout your career so far in the industry? If yes what was your response, if no, then are you aware that such happens in the movie industry?

No, I have never been asked for sex to get role(s). May be some younger actors have been asked for such, but I do not have such experience.

Are you currently in any production?

Presently, I am not in any production. I just came back from a movie location. Being a member of TGMAAN (The Golden Movies Ambassadors Association of Nigeria) led by Amb. Saidi Balogun, and an Executive Member of my alma mater in the movie industry, the Legacy School of Performing Arts led by Amb. Kunle Afod, I do get invited for productions.

Which of the actors have you enjoyed working with and which do you want to work with that you have not worked with?

I have appeared in not less than thirty movies, and have been privileged to work with some notable actors including Kunle Afod, Chief Akin Lewis, Jumọkẹ George, Fathia Balogun to mention a few.

I look forward to acting alongside Richard Mofe Damijo (RMD), Muyiwa Ademola, Ṣọla Sobowale, Bimbọ Ademoye, to mention a few.

She is married with children, and is also a grandmother.

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