A Night With The King! By Bishop Dr Chris Kwakpovwe (Our Daily Manna)

… It’s not of him that willeth but the Grace of God that showeth mercy

Last Sunday was a night for unusual favour, unusual Grace, unusual mercy!

And the Lord ministered through his servant, the Man of God, Bishop Dr Chris Kwakpovwe (ODM) in a special way.

The evening started with messages of thanks, a heart of thanksgiving.

“Just begin to thank God tonight. Begin to thank Him for His grace and favour which will never pass you. Be thankful. God will never pass your address, your residence without stopping by. Begin to ask and tell Him, ‘Lord have Mercy on me, show me grace, show me mercy.”

And the thankfulness flowed into prophetic messages.

“May God grant you mercy, may you receive tonight, all that He has instructed for you, because you are here tonight, may God lift and exalt you this season. May God grant a miracle in your life. May god cause you to laugh again. May God elevate you, may He never let you to go down. In the name of Jesus, we will never go down. Instead you will see your haters go down.

“The whole story of Esther, is built on the fact that God was looking for somebody, who will deliver his people then and in the future, because God knows the future.

“I want to say this to somebody. God knows your future and every evil in your future. He will shake it away. God will give you a way of escape. That is Grace which is already planned for your future. God will take that disgrace away, so somebody shout hallelujah! That pain, that affliction, God will take away.

“I make a decree, that if I be a man of God that the trouble ahead of you, God will take away. There are some you are facing now, yes, but God saw it in advance. He saw the crisis that your enemies are planning. Those that are praying against you, God has seen already. He sees tomorrow. He saw the whole of Esther, the whole of the day’s, even before she went into the presence of the King that day!

“A night with the king, is going to happen to you! Because God has seen how you have suffered? God saw that Jesus Christ will come. There are some things you have gone through, which God allowed, but God will give you the escape now.

“God is setting your escape now. Say, ‘my escape is being planted, my escape is being planned. God is planning my tomorrow God is planning my tomorrow, God is planning it.

“He has made the way of escape for you. Any evil plan is not for you. That plane crash, the accident, is not for you. The shame, the sickness is not for you, God will stop the arrows of evil Titanic arrows of the future. That was the reason for that night, that night Esther met with the King!

“God knows your future. He knew you from the Foundation of the Earth. That is why you can laugh no matter what you are passing through, you can laugh. You can laugh because He know you.

“God knew you before what you are passing through now. God knew you even before you were born. He knew even the battles you will go through. God knows and He has gone ahead by the angelic intervention to make a way for you and to make the way for me. Before we are born, before Adam was even created from the Foundation of the Earth, he knew Adam.

“God knows how you will end up. You will end up as a celebrity. You will end up as a testifier. I will not go down. You will not go down. God knows you will live long. No matter who hurt you. that I love you God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost, they have made a way of escape for you.

Declaration followed:

“Depression lose this woman!

“Concern and Societal worries, lose this woman now! Lose that man now!

“Tonight, the scripture says you are loosen! God says you are loosen!
God says He will not rest, until He has done all for you!
That cancer will fly away. The wheelchair will go away. You shall be free.

“I’m not afraid, because God knew me before I was born. He made my date of birth. He knew the battles I will go through. He knows the battles I’m going through now.

“And He said, He will not rest. Testimony must come in the name of Jesus.

Esther insisted that she must have a night with the King. There has to be a night with the King.

And that night, Esther obtained favour! The favour of Esther will come upon you this night, no matter what you are going through. God’s favour is coming on you now, in the name of Jesus.

Prepare to be a queen, prepare for royalty, prepare for God’s goodness. Esther’s enemy was manipulating, and calculating and orchestrating the whole drama. But in that same drama, was the finger of God, that same finger of God shall select you out and shall fight for you behind the scene.

Esther 2:15

Esther obtained favour. Somebody here too, somebody online is going to obtain favour tonight. Esther was taken to the King and she obtained Grace. You will obtain Grace.

All through this week you will find favour. From this June to the end of the year, you will find favour like that of Esther. You will obtain Grace in your office, you will obtain Grace and favour in your ministry. You will obtain Grace and favour whenever you go this week. Wherever you go this morning wherever you go this year. Whenever you in June, July, August, wherever you go in september, October, November, December, you will find favour, in Jesus name, Amen.

And the online night of prophetic declaration was indeed a blessing to as many as connected that Sunday night with the ministration of Bishop Dr Chris Kwakpovwe (Our Daily Manna).

You can connect with another blessed ministration online on Sunday the 16th of June, same time.

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