Dr Louis-Georges Tin (left) and (Right) Otunba Olawanle Akinboboye


By Paul Ukpabio

To say that the State of the African Diaspora is vital to the African continent and indeed the entire world, is to state the obvious.

Though recognized In 2003, by the African Union as an integral part of the development of the African continent, SOAD as it is also known, did not have ‘physical flesh’, until In December 2014, when Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, President-in-Office of the African Union, did give a go ahead “to Louis-Georges Tin, president of CRAN, to “give body” to the 6th Region, and to make the diaspora de facto a structure de jure. The AU thus decided to recognize the African diaspora as a effective entity contributing to the economic and social development of the continent.”

“In 2018, Louis-Georges Tin presented to the African Union bodies the results of his mission: a Constitution, a Government and development projects. These elements were validated by President Aziz, and the State of the African Diaspora was formalized at the AU Summit in Mauritania on July 1, 2018.”

And so, the 6th region became fully on ground. Meaning that, “within the African Union, there are 6 regions: North Africa, West Africa, Central Africa, East Africa, Southern Africa, plus one last region, the “Sixth Region”, which constitutes the African Diaspora.

The African Diaspora is actually the creation of a new state. It is “the birth of a state of a new kind, a modern state, diasporic, consistent with the logic of the 21st century, the logic of networks.”

A creation that is expected to serve Africa, a recognition of the truth that Africa needs the Diaspora and vice versa.

To start with, what has the Diaspora got to offer the teeming population of Africa, one may choose to ask.

In reply, the 6th region is said to bring together, “almost 350 million inhabitants, making it potentially the third country of the world, after China and India, but greater than The United States of America (323 million), Indonesia (258 million) and Brazil (205 million).”

And that’s not all, as today constituted, SOAD boasts of an organised leadership that has in place the Government of the African Diaspora, led by the Prime Minister, His Excellency Dr. Louis-Georges Tin.

“This Government was presented at the African Union Summit in July 2018. The first Council of Ministers and inauguration was held in Abidjan in November 2018.”

SOAD also boasts of a Parliament which represents the regions of the diaspora. And an array of projects intentionally put together, to spur on the development of Africa, which ranges from restitution of Africa, to finance, food, health, technology, sports and so on.

But more importantly, the existence of SOAD assures both divides of the opportunity for the Diaspora to return to Africa, or at least to cultivate relationships with the land of their ancestors, an old Pan-African dream for those in the Diaspora, which motivates a reunion, that will surely strengthen Africa by the diaspora, and the diaspora by Africa.

For Africa, the benefits from the Diaspora is overwhelming. Economically the monies coming in from the Diaspora home to Africa, will be more coordinated into building lasting viable economic institutions in Africa, such as banks and so on.

Technology-wise the regular and well coordinated exchange of knowledge and personnel will enable and accelerate cooperation and growth in technological dynamics that will spread across the continent of Africa.

The power of Africa will be more positioned in international politics with the continent being able to have influence and participation in international politics and global decision making.

Enters Motherland Beckons!

Having noted all the above, it is not surprising that the State of the African Diaspora (SOAD) few days ago, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Motherland Beckons in pursuant to which both parties agreed to cooperate on several programs including: ●The New Black Star Line; ●The Ipada Carnival; ●Tourism; ● Culture and any other programs conducive to the MOU.

Like SOAD in a way, Motherland Beckons is part of a group of companies, that is passionate about creating connections and reconnections between Africa and the Diaspora.

Among other things, Motherland Beckons projects Africa, the beauty in the overwhelming endowment of Africa, with resources that goes beyond mineral resources and so on, but goes further into the cultural, the arts and the environment.

Motherland Beckons projects the African heritage and calls on the Diaspora, the 6th region to return home, identify with what is theirs and be a part of the social, natural and historical phenomena associated with the African continent. The colourful festivals, the business opportunities available in Africa and fellowship with fellow brothers and sisters.

It is also not surprising that tourism icon and founder of Motherland Beckons agrees that the signing of this laudable MoU, ”is a match made by our ancestors to complete the work they have began many years ago to see to the re-unification of our people”

Otunba Wanle Akinboboye, the founder of Motherland Beckons said he is excited by the synergy that will be created by this partnership. He emphasized that the MoU is a handshake between Africans in the diaspora and Africans on the continent.

“When all the people of African descent, whether on the continent or in the Diapora, make a concerted effort to join together, the concerted effort that led to their separation will be put to an end. They will also be able to unite and create an Africa that benefits its people no matter where they are located,” said Otunba Akinboboye.

The icing on the cake is actually the fact that, a date has been set aside for the re-union of the Diaspora, the 6th Region, to meet with Africa.

The fixed date of celebration of the epochal meeting is November 29th to December 8th 2024 with a continuity on November 28th to December 7th 2025.

An annual gathering and fellowship of brothers and sisters at the 65 acres, La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort, in Ibeju-lekki, Lagos, Nigeria.

A programme aptly titled IPADA CARNIVAL 2024/2025 also founded by Otunba Olawanle Akinboboye will avail a celebration that will feature a Beach Durbar, Ose awards, Nefertiti Queen of Africa Beauty Pageant, Aim Festival and lots more!

And Nigeria as a country is deeply and fully involved in this coming huge celebration along with its citizens, leveraging on Motherland Beckons network in Africa, the Carribeans, the Americas, Brazil and SOAD, the celebration promises to be the beginning of the unity of the African continent with people of African descent and friends of Africa.

Paul Ukpabio is Nigeria’s Tourism Writer Of The Year Award Winner 2023

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