The planned Akwa Ibom – UK education exchange programme has been solidified with a sealed agreement.

Governor Umo Eno of Akwa Ibom State and Major, Mr. Michael Situ, sealed the programme in Uyo, during a courtesy visit to the Governor by a delegation from the Southwark Council, London Borough.

The Governor appreciated the visit which he described as a demonstration of  friendship and commitment to the education exchange deal and reaffirmed the commitment of the State Government to fulfill its own side of the partnership obligations.

Explaining his intent in initiating the programme, Governor Eno said the programme is to give some exposure and hope to bright but not-so-privileged Akwa Ibom children as well as encourage and inspire them to believe in hard work, and aspire for better future.

In his words, “the reason for this programme is for the brilliant child in a public school in the village, who didn’t even think of it or have hope of going to the airport, to have the opportunity of sitting on a 6-7 hours flight to arrive the UK and you tell him this ‘just the beginning, if you take your education more seriously, it can take you to any part of the world and you can sit on the table with anyone.

He commended the Commissioner for Information, Comrade Ini Ememobong, for running with the vision to bring it to fruition and directed him to facilitate interactions between the Commissioner for Education, Mrs. Idongesit Etiebet, Heads of Schools, Local Government Councils and other relevant stakeholders with the Southwark delegation to fine-tune processes towards a smooth take-off of the programme.

On his part, the Mayor of the London Borough of Southwark, Michael Situ, lauded the ingenuity of the government and people of Akwa Ibom State for not only indicating interest to partner his government for exchange programmes but taking steps at a very impressive pace to concretize the partnership, describing Governor Umo Eno’s leadership as service -oriented.

According to the Mayor, “when we all think of ourselves as being here for service, the job of governance becomes very simple, in the sense that your focal point becomes what will really benefit the people and how to address their issues and concerns.”

Mayor Situ said schools in the London Borough of Southwark that have been intimated about the exchange programme were already excited about it and expressed optimism that the people of Southwark, especially those of African decent, will be excited to also have an opportunity to visit Akwa Ibom for interactions in culture, sport, and other areas of interest even as he affirmed his satisfaction with the infrastructure and ambience in the State .

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