Akwa Ibom State: Where Govt. Identifies With Yearnings Of The Masses

Akwa Ibomites are really having the good time of life at the moment. And last night really proved it!

Uyo was a beehive of activities and so was Eket, Etinan, Abak, Ikot Ekpene and every town in the state. The Super Eagles won 2 – 0 over Cameroon and made Nigeria proud. But the joy on the streets in Akwa Ibom State was more than that!

Many Akwa Ibomites have a good reason to be happy. A Governor. A true Sheriff of the people is in town and very much on seat! The Happy Hour Governor! When he told them he will bring them happiness, they didn’t understand, until the hour came. The hour is already on, and there’s happiness on the streets.

Perhaps the most sensitive government so far in Nigeria now, is the Akwa Ibom State government under the leadership of Governor Umo Eno.

Sentiments apart. Governor Umo Eno’s revolutionary style of governance is humbling. He just does not say it, he does it.

Apart from his revolutionary policies that is touching the elderly, youths being given opportunities to self-develop, educational exchange programmes, teachers upliftment, upgrading of schools, hospital upgrading scheme, road projects, airline business enhancement and so on, Umo Eno’s hands are in every sector that can turn the state into a mega city soonest.

Governor Umo Eno’s body language is clear for everyone to see!

And most often, where to see it, is on the faces of the masses on the street.

Moving around Uyo the state capital is an echo of joyful noise as the AFCON tournament is currently on.

Sports remains in the heart of the people. Somehow, Governor Umo Eno found his way even to the heart of the people of Akwa Ibom State at this time through football.

In most of the local governments, the masses have opportunity to enjoy the lavish African game of football (AFCON), courtesy of the government.

Sports indeed is the heart of the masses. Identifying with sports is identifying with the people.

This indeed is another win for Governor Umo Eno.

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