Ambassador (Dr.) Oamien Roy Okhidievbie Speaks On National Security Question

Can you provide an overview of the current security situation in Nigeria?

The current security situation in Nigeria is very weak. Without security, you will have insecurity.
a) Security is meant to secure, a capability and capacity to protect and defend yourself against threats from outside and inside breaches. To maintain a secured status, a country must be able to have its air, land and water, territorial integrity intact by creating a national defense system. b) The country must have a vibrant internal policing mechanism to maintain checks and balances on its constitutional obligations to its citizens.
c) The country must have the ability to cumulate the data and databases of its citizens and immigrants.
d) There must be a criminal justice system to penalize those who are found guilty of criminal acts or violations for the constitution. e) The government must also ensure that the economy is properly regulated and correlated with global best practices.

In your view, what are the major security challenges that Nigeria is facing currently?

Security challenges are the insecurity triangles of vulnerability.
a) Corruption is a threat to the survivability of a Nation. It eats the core values and interests of its citizens. Corruption is the only thing that brings people of diverse ethnicity, religion and political affiliation together.
b) Kidnapping has become a business model in Nigeria. People kidnapp themselves even, and collaborate with elements to kidnap loved ones and others. We have kidnap for ransom, ritual, vendetta and radicalization.
c) Armed robbery was formerly done street to street. In this cashless era, the banks are now the targets.
d) Cyber Crime grew to its current peak when we went cashless to the current extent. Financial institutions are hacked and accounts breached.
d) Terrorism is a global phenomenon and it has developed into regional and international threats.

How has these security challenges impacted the daily lives of Nigerians?

Nigeria is a country where the majority are resilient enough to withstand many challenges.
a) Food security crisis has bedeviled many, and farmers who depend heavily on food farming. The risk to freely access their farmlands is high.
b) Economically handicapped and financial disadvantages
c) Foreign investment has dwindled over time. Investors are scared to beam their light this way.
d) Intellectual exportations and exploitation of the innovative technologies of our citizens abroad.
e) Devalued purchasing power in the international markets.

In your opinion, what are the root causes of the current security crisis in Nigeria?

a) Political Terrorism is a serious threat to Democracy. People use fear and intimidation, blackmail and violence against opponents and innocent citizens.
b) Religious extremism and Ethnic bigotry.
c) Cultism and Hooliganism is the recruitment portals for fighters.
d) Dilapidated Educational institutions and Academic Institutes.
e) Very popular destination for all kinds of drugs and addictive substances for the youths.

Are there any specific regions or areas in Nigeria that are particularly affected by these security challenges?

Nigeria is a blessed country. We are a mix of rare blend of racial diversity and values. There is no part of Nigeria where there are no criminal activities. The difference is in the type of insecurity and the operational sequence of occurrence!

What are the main factors contributing to the rise in insurgency and terrorism in Nigeria?

Insurgents acclaim to entitlement mentality. They declare ownership of a geographic region and cultural identity and religious beliefs. What either one it is, it’s spurred by perceived MARGINALIZATION, political differences weaponization and EXTERNAL EXTREME terrorism incursions by ISIS, and others. Worst case is the United Front of criminality against the mineral resources of the country and creating distractions whilst mining and bunkering illegality persists!

How effective have the current security measures and strategies been in combating these security threats?

Poorly designed, reactive systems and short term threats and vulnerabilities containment. This system of poorly kitted, poorly equipped, poorly motivated and poorly trained, is too long standing! We must understand that crime triangles are global and must be tackled by global security practices. We must recognize that sacred need for independence from political parties influences and embraces more citizenry satisfaction and vulnerability protection!

What role can the government play in resolving the security challenges in Nigeria? Are there any specific policy changes or initiatives you would recommend?

Phew! Anytime I get to this question, the trauma of repeating same thing and finding a large number of deaths recorded by the neglect of my suggestions. Also, most of the time, security professionals are on television, radios and print, our brains are picked off and someone else does a shabby proposal and it’s presented to government and monies are diverted into corrupt practices, which doesn’t deliver the desired outcome.

How can the security forces in Nigeria be better equipped and trained to effectively address the security crisis?

My major take on this type of question is still to advise the “double barrel” approach. The personnel that will carry the equipment and be trained, must/should be motivated, cared for and respected by the public and government they serve. A sustainable system of Community Policing governance. The people AND the police, a workable suitability. If/when this begins to happen, the real necessities for equipment and training will surface, it will be cheaper for government and implementation will be seamless. One factor to consider in procurement of equipment is the ability to maintain and sustain its operational capability. Too many “buy and dump” happens. Equipment and gadgets MUST BE solutions driven. They must have considerable survival potential to weather, geographical conditions and terrains. Lastly, crimes, criminals, threats and vulnerabilities are variable factors for consideration too. What are we protecting against? Kidnapping? Cybersecurity? Insurgency? Armed robbery? Terrorism? Etc.

Are there any innovative technologies or approaches that could be used to enhance security efforts in Nigeria?

A country under threat like Nigeria, which has almost ALL the vulnerabilities and breaches, must consider an ALL around protection.
a) Cybersecurity security.
b) Aerial surveillance/defensive systems
c) Databases management, synchronization and application.
d) Assault weapons, and military hardware support
b) Maritime territorial defence systems must be maintained and sustained from one democratic regime to another. We must be the AFRICAN GIANT as propagated. Our maritime system must revive global standards for Naval vessels and ships.

What role can the general public play in improving security and contributing to the resolution of these challenges?
a) The people are very Germaine to achieving a safe and secure society.
b) The members of Security Agencies are civilians firstly before enlistment.
c) The need for Intelligence gathering and sharing collaboration. (OSINT – Open Source Intelligence) is an ingredient of success in crime prevention.
d) Recruitment processes determine the membership content of the Agencies. Citizens must be encouraged to enlist their families and encourage others to do same.
e) The government are voted into power, which means that they have access to decisions makers in government. They must be positively lobbied and held accountable for good governance.

How can the government ensure that accountability and transparency are maintained in the security sector?

I am usually bemused at the negligence of government towards security during tenures.
a) The checks and balances of unnecessary influence on promotion, deployment and retirement.
b) Discipline must be kept under control to regulate untoward behavior that contravenes policies and rules of engagement.
C) Interagency Relations and Communication with clear cut roles and responsibilities.

Are there any successful examples from other countries or regions that Nigeria can learn from in terms of resolving security challenges?*

a) This has been one of African states problems and Nigeria in particular. We are good in “copy and paste “ strategy. If Nigeria must copy any foreign country successfully, it must tailor its strategy accordingly to communicate solutions to its homegrown threats.
b) Most of these countries have peculiarities that differ between / amongst countries.

What role can diplomatic efforts and negotiations play in resolving the security crisis in Nigeria, particularly in cases of insurgency and terrorism?*

Nigeria must be careful about “Greek gifts” Foreign policy and diplomatic relations is very much ineffective so far. The unscrupulous activities of some NGOS!
a) The CORRUPTION clause bedeviling Africa and Nigeria is thick!
b) Unequal trade agreements that put the burden on Nigerian economy must be checked.

Talking about Private Security Companies in Nigeria, has there been any major contributory impact(s) from the private sector in reducing or eradicating crimes in Nigeria?

The battle for relevance has been long drawn.
a) Foreign private security contractors are being patronized by the government of Nigeria and laws, regulations are implemented against the survivalist regime of local practitioners.
b) The (NSCDC- Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps) is the government agency regulating Private Security Services.
c) Private Security Services practitioners have constantly evolved ways and means to better manage their business and collaborate with government in the glare of limited attention from government.
d) The taxes are outrageous in comparison with rebates given to other less critical services.
e) Competition with quacks and foreign contractor competitors is killing the industry.
f) Inability to bear arms in combating crime and reducing the stress from our paucities of police officers.
e) Dignified and unified payments / guards salaries, to motivate the guards and the administrative costs to run the business. Companies go beggarly for peanuts and they don’t get to deliver excellent service from such payments.

What are the potential implications of the security situation in Nigeria for regional stability and the broader international community, and how can these be mitigated or managed?

a) Being the Giant of Africa and the Chairman of ECOWAS has placed us, consistently, in a big brother role. In Liberia Sierra Leone Niger etc, this has become a burden for us and should be turned into strength!
b) The incursion of Terrorism and other Non state actors into neighboring countries and acting in criminal synergies with others within Nigeria has been a headache for the Millitary.
c) Ethno – Religious conflict of interest has played a negative influence. This has greatly compromised our effectiveness in combating the menace.
d) The Climate Change calamity and it’s effects on the economic viability of countries and neighbors alike still making Nigeria to carry regional economic burdens.

How can the media and public discourse contribute to a better understanding of the security challenges in Nigeria and foster informed debates on potential solutions?

The applications of ALL types of media, from Social Media to print and broadcast television, have become increasingly sophisticated in reaching audiences with different interests. The government, on its own, needs to improve its public orientation and publicity initiatives. The National orientation Agency has been docile with strong, consistent policies implantation.

CHAIRMAN~ChrisHerm Ventures Limited
Military Veteran, Fellow~IIPS, Fellow~UBS~CBMP, Fellow~ICMC, Fellow~IDMSS, Fellow~IBMN, Fellow ~ISN
National Secretary ~ Retired Members Of NIGERIA Armed Forces (REMENAF)
Ex National PRO ~ Association Of Licensed Private Security Practitioners Of NIGERIA (ALPSPN)
Certified Human Rights Consultant ~ United States Institute Of Diplomacy And Human Rights (USIDHR)

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