Ara Thunder Makes Surprise Appearance At La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort Breakfast Show 


Like we say, you can never be too sure of what will happen next at the Breakfast Show at La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort.

Breezy cold morning and the guests needed a little of warmth to ginger the body!

And guess what?

Ara Thunder appears live on stage!


Ara Thunder!

The only female drummer from the Eastern part of Nigeria that sings in several Nigerian native languages! A maestro of the talking drums.

Well, the stage was set for an electrifying performance, because Ara Thunder comes with thunder on stage! And the excited, anxious guests did not need to wait too long for it.

The thunderous entry. And then Ara Thunder’s performance was live! The dance. The drums. The songs. Fast and hitting the right cords of the musical parts of the body.

“Well, what did you expect?” Asked one of the guests sitting close to the stage. “It’s magical. A great performance.”

It was a performance that involved the audience.

Ara Thunder, the audience-friendly performer! “Can you dance? Please come on stage.” Ara Thunder calls out to willing guests! Share the stage with me! Share stardom with me!

And some of the guests go on to show rare dances. Rare dance steps. Oh yes, many seized the opportunity to dance and shine!

A great show, that brings so much laughter and joy to the guests.

Well, Ara Thunder has done so well for herself over the years. With travel around the world and great popularity among corporate organisations, Ara makes music looks so easy! African drums, African beat, African dance along with great choreography by Atunda Entertainment.

More on Ara Thunder all through year 2024 as she will be singing her new songs to different audiences around the globe.

And if you haven’t listened to her new release ‘So wo le,’ then you need to do so soonest.

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