At MCSN press briefing, KSA laments on issues that has denied creative people due pay over the years

Juju music maestro and President of The Musical Copyright Society Nigeria LTD/GTE, Chief Dr. king Sunny Ade, has lamented the crisis that has rocked the body over the years, which according to him, has denied creative people the much revenue over these past years.
In his speech at the recent World Press Conference held at Airport Hotel ikeja Lagos, organized by MCSN, Chief Dr. king Sunny Ade, highlighted as read by Mr Orits Wiliki that:
“We are witness to the instability, in fighting, name calling and division which has rendered the copyright system stagnant, unproductive and non profitable to our creative musician performers and producers.”
King Sunny Ade however said he is happy that, “the era of locust years, was brought to a halt, when the due process of law finally took over.”
“The supreme Court delivered judgement in appeal no sc/366/2008 between Adeokin Records Co & Anor vs Musical Copyright Society Nigeria LTD/GTE reported in 2018 15 NWLR (pt1643) 550 and SC/425/2010 between Musical Copyright Society Nigeria LTD/ GTE vs Compacts Disc Limited & Ors reported in (2019) 4 NWLR (pt 1661). The court of appeal followed when it affirmed the federal high court judgement awarding the sum of N5.9 billion in damages in appeal no CA/L/188/18 between Multi Choice Nigeria LTD vs Musical Copyright Society Nigeria LTD/ GTE. These judgement brought some level of stability, tranquility and progress into the copyright sector.”
Speaking further, he said in spite of the decision of the appellate courts, powerful users of creative works particularly musical works and sound recording have been causing disagreement in the industry on refusal to pay due royalty thereby denying musician and government their legitimate income.
“We are  thankful to the 9th National Assembly and federal government for enacting the new copyright act 2022 in March 2023 which we believe would halt the dividing tactics of users and consumers of musical works and sound recordings against the practitioners in the creative industry in Nigeria.
“With great reluctance MCSN has commenced infringement actions at the federal high court against certain recalcitrant users of musical works and sound recording in broadcast and hospitality industries for unauthorized exploitation of musical works and sound recordings in their broadcasting and hospitality activities. One of such broadcasting outfits is the Multi Choice Nigeria LTD against which a claim of over N29 billion has been filed at the federal high court. It is noteworthy that it is the same company that the federal high court and the court of appeal gave judgement against and awarded damages in the sum of over N5.9 billion in 2018 and 2020 respectively, since the amicable resolution of the judgemental debt Multi choice has refused to honor it’s copyright obligation to MSCN since 2021 till date. Apart from the claim of N27.3 billion for the actual use of musical works and sound recordings there is also the claim of N2.05 billion for value added tax due to the federal government of Nigeria nor to mention what would eventually go to various state government in personal income tax.”
The well attended World Press Conference had in attendance, Mrs Linda Alphaeus who represented the Director General of Nigerian copyright commission Dr John Asien, Mr Orits Wiliki, Chairman of MCSN, Mr Mayowa Ayilaran, CEO MCSN, Tee Mac a director and Mr Kenny Ogungbe also a director amongst others.

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