The contest is not really a case of Chartered Accountants versus Economists because many Chartered Accountants actually trained as economists before becoming Chartered Accountants. Vice-Versa (similarly), many of our leading economists qualified as Chartered Accountants before venturing into economics as their area of specialization.

Be that at it may, it is an oversimplification to postulate that while Chartered Accountants insist on balancing the books first, it is the economists who are somewhat wary of the scepticism of Chartered Accountants. If they have their way, they would prefer to dazzle us all with econometrics and veer off into the exotic areas of fiscal policy and monetary policy as well as the areas of convergence – or the lack thereof.

What is even more fascinating are the never ending vigorous disputations amongst economists themselves and (versus) accountants and the rest of us.

Permit me to quote: Jimi Morgan

“As Africa’s most populous country, largest economy and most notable democracy, Nigeria is a bellweather for the continent. A weakening economy, rising insecurity and violent conflicts threaten progress made in its democratic development. Amid deepening distrust in government and institutions, Nigeria has significant work to do in improving national, state and local security and governance ahead of national and state elections in 2023.

Nigeria’s federal system gives governors great responsibilities in addressing the issues driving the country’s multiple conflicts, including farmer-herder violence, deepening regional divides, armed banditry and the Boko Haram insurgency. United States Institute of Peace [U.S.I.P] brings together state governors, national policymakers and civic leaders to design and implement inclusive policies that mitigate violence and strengthen community-oriented security. The Institute engages a variety of influential figures, empowers citizens and uses its expertise and convening power to inform Nigeria policy in the United States, the region and around the world. Recent work includes:

Since 2016, this working group has fostered relationships between citizens, policymakers and national and international figures to ensure that a diverse array of voices impact decision-making processes. These relationships allow the working group to turn expert analysis into tangible, actionable policy advice. For instance, recommendations for addressing the country’s current security and political challenges — informed by a 2021 convening with religious and civic leaders from the National Peace Committee and the Inter-Faith Initiative for Peace — were published in leading Nigerian newspapers. In 2021, amid deepening public mistrust, the working group harnessed its collective experience and relationships to advance high-level dialogue between major civic groups working for peace across the country and the Nigerian government. The working group is regularly invited by state and national policymakers to provide recommendations on a range of issues, from inclusive governance and electoral violence to communal conflicts between pastoralists and farming communities.

Network of Nigerian Facilitators (NNF)
The NNF is a group of professional peace mediators trained by USIP to resolve local conflicts through nonviolent means across several states throughout the country. NNF dialogues focus on strengthening community-security sector relationships and mitigating intercommunal, pastoralist-farmer and election-related violence. Since 2019, the NNF has collaborated with state peacebuilding institutions to address conflicts and support local peace processes. In 2021, the NNF helped conduct USIP research to better understand the drivers and dynamics of communal conflicts across Nigeria.

Working with State Governments and Peacebuilding Institutions
USIP helps governors and state peacebuilding institutions to establish inclusive, cooperative strategies that prevent and resolve violent conflicts; ensure that policies focus on citizens’ needs; stem the potential for all forms of violence; and allow communities to play meaningful roles in the transition process.

Strengthening Local Security
Through USIP’s ongoing Justice and Security Dialogue project, citizens at the local level collectively identify security challenges and organize dialogues that bring together internally displaced communities and police in Northeast Nigeria to develop practical and concrete solutions to address security concerns, build trust and foster accountability.

Informing Policy through Research
USIP conducts research on governance and security to better advise Nigerian policymakers in their response to these challenges. A 2020 public opinion survey found new linkages between COVID-19, instability and conflict. These survey findings informed policy discussions with senior U.S. and Nigerian policymakers, including Nigerian President Buhari and state governors. USIP also published research mapping state peacebuilding institutions; assessing election-related violence risks; and outlining pathways to civilian-led governance amid the Boko Haram insurgency in Northeast Nigeria.

Convening Stakeholders
USIP convenes government officials, partners and civic leaders at its U.S. headquarters and Nigeria country office for candid conversations that foster collaboration and inform policy and program priorities. USIP hosted discussions in 2020 with the Nigerian ministers of foreign affairs and humanitarian affairs and senior U.S. policymakers. Throughout the pandemic, USIP convened a series of virtual roundtables with Nigerian federal and state policymakers and key stakeholders to examine COVID-19’s impact on security and governance. In 2019, USIP hosted eminent U.S. and Nigerian civic leaders and government officials for a roundtable to explore the state of Nigerian governance 20 years into its democratic transition.

Expanding the Institute’s Field Work
In 2020, USIP officially established a country office in Abuja. This accomplishment allows the Institute to continue its impactful operations, broaden its regional scope and sustain its direct action for peace in Nigeria.

*Current situation in Nigeria and possible path to sure and sustainable recovery.*

The Nigerian Federal Government has received a plethora of advice, and some threats. Sadly, the majority of counsel, with the greatest of respect, are ideological.

i) Economic systems and their proponents are based upon preferred political systems. Adam Smith, through adherents such as David Ricardo represent one school – capitalism and the free market. Karl Marx represents another system  – communism which is the antidote to the ills of capitalism, and which has only a few countries following his original philosophy although that’s been refined. Then there is John Maynard Keynes of the Cambridge School of thought advocating for government role in the capitalist system. Importantly, Milton Friedman of the Chicago School did advocate for a private sector dominance over as many areas of economic activities as possible.

ii) In more recent times, these neoclassicals have pushed for free market economics – the private sector running loose with little government intervention. That philosophy almost caused the global economic collapse in 2008. The central bankers and China had to rescue the system.

iii) Thus, any system is ideological.
With its adherents and practitioners.

iv) The political liberal order is closely aligned to the Milton Friedman school of economics. The Western democracies push their model as the only democracy. And try to compel others to adopt it, name calling or bad mouthing them as autocracies.

Question 1: Which model has brought greatest benefit to the largest number since WW2?
Response – The Peoples Republic of China with emphasis on “common prosperity”, India and I include the USA.

Question 2: Which system has pushed for prosperity and good quality of life  for as many of its people as possible?
Response – The PRC, the Scandinavian countries. The USA is one of the worst performers of a major economy in wealth disparity.

Question 3: Which one country or set of countries have performed worst economically compared to their resources, human and otherwise?
Response -The various African countries befuddled between one political system or the other, and the ideology of one economic system or the other. If one takes it from 1960 although one can go back to 1957, African countries have experienced growth or retrogression; political peace and internal harmony or political upheavals,  conflicts and killings.

v) Let’s home in on Nigeria. The government with greatest comparative achievement in economics, education, health, transportation, communication and quality of living was the Western Region between 1952 and  1969. It encouraged growth of private capital and government participation. It owned embassies in Britain and the USA (which were taken over by the FGN after the Unification Decree of May 1966). It also lent money to the FGN. It paid its civil servants twice that of another region and one and a half times that of the federal government.

vi) The military administration between 1970 to 1979, with a change of guards twice in that period, experienced great economic and other growth.

However,  education, almost always an area of focus by a dear professional colleague, didn’t reach many. The economy also became unequal with the steady increase in the private sector and decline in the public sector. Thus, education for the rich rather than the majority increased in number and scope. (Not sure if even the Western Region achieved a 100% enrolment).
Oh yes, private sector education benefits those with the money. I attended a church school myself, fee paying but not exclusive. And indeed there are many papers on the introduction and impact of  church schools and education in different parts of Africa.

vii) And disparity in wealth became greater. The ‘social warriors’ became the Oyewusi and Anani armed robbers. I hope some readers can recall those characters and the period.

viii) Let me add. The 5 Year Development Plan of 1970 – 1974 under Chief Awolowo as Federal Finance Commissioner mentioned government being responsible for the commanding heights of the economy. It was that plan that propelled the economic growth and other achievements from 1970 to 1975 when Chief Awolowo resigned. The approach was no longer followed and the intellectual capacity and discipline could not be replicated by Alhaji Shehu Shagari. Thus, I acknowledge it’s not just about the economic system, it’s also about the persons implementing the systems. Of course, based upon an agreed political or military system.
ix) It should be noted that the plan marked the very first attempt to express a social philosophy that should guide the plan.

x) In conclusion, the free market economic system favours the few at the expense of the many. It also develops the economy itself at a slower pace than where the government plays a role.

xi) There is therefore an umbilical link between economic system and socio-political  philosophy. And since World War 1 when there was a dispute over which economic system should prevail, the German or the British, global powers have advocated for the variant that maximises their benefit.

xii) As a consequence, the philosophies keep evolving. There are several variants I have not mentioned, but let me flag two divergent thinking and practice; (a) the new classical economics with monetarism, and (b) socialism with Chinese characteristics, arguably the most transformative of the lot.
xiii) My observation is that Nigeria under PBAT (President Bola Ahmed Tinubu) has adopted the neo classical approach with monetarism. I could be mistaken.
xiv) We seem to ignore the fact and reality that there is a new player in town – BRICS consists of : Brazil
South Africa
And the United Arab Emirates
and new rules are being established.
I apologise for the length of this piece, but we are sharing thoughts and increasing awareness and thus understanding. There are currently three power economies in Africa: Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa. Two are in BRICS+, the other is nowhere, not in G7, not in G20.

xv) Having stated all that, there are many foreign interests who need to keep exploiting Africa in order to enjoy their economic prosperity and maintain their political superiority.

xvi) In addition, recent events have eroded their moral   authority because of the differentiated and hypocritical response to global events:
17) * Condemn Russia for killing Ukrainians but support killing by Israel of many more people – tens of thousands of Palestinians especially women and children;
18) * Condemn Russia for invading its neighbour which justifies this on security needs that it doesnt want an enemy military organisation there  but justify USA & British invasion of Iraq, separated from them by long distances and the sea;
19)* Encroach into African economic activities eg the Uganda Tanzanian  oil pipeline was condemned in the EU Parliament although it will generate revenue to the African owners of the oil and the transit country.

20) If security can be achieved in Nigeria, it’s safe to predict the economy will recover, irrespective of the economic system used.

21) Conclusion: Let’s adapt the Lee Kwan Yew mantra – it’s what works, not economic theories.”

On its front page, “The Guardian” newspaper published the damning verdict delivered with feisty brutality by Francis E Ogbimi:

“Economists, accountants and bankers do not understand how the economy works. They lack a sense of history and do not understand the science of sustainable economic growth, industrialization and development. They are only good at sustaining abstract and irrelevant arguments about the economy. Africa will stagnate as long as economists and related institutions like the World Bank and IMF continue to influence (the) planning in the continent.”

In crafting economic policy, the least we can do is to recognise that there are actually four distinct pillars:

Economic theory
Applied economics
Economic history
And, most importantly: COMMON SENSE !!

For Chartered Accountants who insist on accountability, transparency and discipline, there is a huge mountain to climb especially when they insist on balancing the budget and following the money (the audit trail).

The economists are ever ready to throw in micro-economic framework and macro-economic postulations as proof positive that all will be well. Lord Maynard Keynes (1883 to 1946) argued that governments should solve problems in the short run rather than wait for market forces to fix things over the long run because: “In the long run, we are all dead”

For very good reasons, the press has opted to keep above the fray and the fierce tussle for supremacy. Instead we have the following vignettes:

“ThisDay” newspaper front page report.

The late Lebanese-American poet and philosopher, Kahlil Gibran captured the Nigerian tragedy so succinctly in his poem:

“Pity the nation that is full of beliefs and empty of religion.
Pity the nation that wears a cloth it does not weave
and eats a bread it does not harvest.
Pity the nation that acclaims the bully as hero, and that deems the glittering conqueror bountiful.
Pity a nation that despises a passion in its dream, yet submits in its awakening.
Pity the nation that raises not its voice save when it walks in a funeral, boasts not except among its ruins, and will rebel not save when its neck is laid between the sword and the block.
Pity the nation whose statesman is a fox, whose philosopher is a juggler, and whose art is the art of patching and mimicking
Pity the nation that welcomes its new ruler with trumpeting,
and farewells him with hooting, only to welcome another with trumpeting again.
Pity the nation whose sages are dumb with years and whose strongmen are yet in the cradle.
Pity the nation divided into fragments each fragment deeming itself a nation.”

Indeed, this country deserves to be pitied.”

From the archives:

When Egba women led by Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti (mother of Afro-beat legend, Fela) formed Abeokuta Women Union (AWU) and revolted against the King – Sir Ladapo Samuel Ademola, Alake of Egbaland for conspiring with the Colonial Government to impose an oppressive tax regime on women, their war song according to BBC translation was:

“Idowu (Alake) you have used your penis as symbol of authority against us for ages under the pretext that you are our husband. The game is up. Now we have reversed the roles by weaponising our vagina. We are set to overwhelm and subdue you. We are your dominant husband (master) and you have no choice but to succumb to our demands.”

The rage persisted from October 5th, 1946 with furious petitions to the Resident and the Colonial Office. On January 3, 1949 the British government caved in and forced the King to abdicate. He was succeeded by Oba Adesina Gbadebo (1963 – 1971). Sir Ladapo was sent into exile in Osogbo (Osun State) where he died on 27th December 1962.

Front page report of “Saturday Vanguard” newspaper.
Archbishop Chukwuma on how he escaped being killed at Asaba genocide
Says Nigeria owes Asaba people easterners apology
Talks about life in retirement

Emeritus Archbishop of Enugu Anglican Diocese, Most Rev Prof Emmanuel Chukwuma who, penultimate week, retired from priesthood speaks about his 44 years priesthood, how he escaped the Asaba genocide and what should be done for Nigeria to return to its lost glory.
Did you retire because of age or years of service?
There is a statutory age in the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria that once you are 70 years old you retire. If you are a primate after 10 years whether you are 70 or not you retire. I am retiring as Archbishop with 10 years completed as Archbishop. I was a second term Archbishop and at the same time retiring at the age of 70, after serving as a Bishop for 34 years, excluding my time of priesthood. So, I’ve served as a priest for 44 years. I glorify and thank God for what I am today.
On his experience as a priest
It has been a great and tremendous experience in the sense that I started as a Bishop in the Diocese of Bauchi, northern part of Nigeria. I spent about eight years there and came to Enugu to spend 26 years. I started as a missionary Bishop in Bauchi, which was not an easy task. I started from nothing in a Muslim area; 1990 to 1991, I experienced Christian and Muslim uproar with our churches burnt, houses burnt and many of our members killed. I was Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, chairman and my life was at risk. At that time God protected me. My Cathedral in Bauchi was burnt before I rebuilt it to a bigger one and also through God, founded churches in the whole of Bauchi and Gombe, Katagum, that’s Azere area and built a Cathedral in Gombe; founded churches in Ashaka up to Bilirri, Bollie, Dukuntim, Bambam, Maraba, and Ningi. I was busy planting churches that have now given birth to the Gombe Diocese.
Having built Bishop’s Court in Bauchi, Cathedral in Bauchi and Gombe, I came to Enugu and there was no Bishop’s court. Thanks be to God for Bishop Otubelu, my predecessor, who also suffered because he started from the civil war, since 1970, and with all these indigenes and non-indigenes syndrome, he couldn’t do much.

However, coming to Enugu, through God’s grace and with the support of my friends and the people, I was able to build the Bishop’s Court which is one of the best in Nigeria. The foundation was laid in 1999 by the then Prelate, Most Rev Timothy Adetiloye. After that I started with the Cathedral and built the Cathedral and through God’s grace it has been working. We mobilised funds and built a hospital, Diagnostic Center, schools, printing press, established Micro-finance bank and churches all over the place. We are also building a convent school. We began to expand the frontiers of Anglican Communion in Enugu State to the point that Enugu State now knows that Anglican communion is really the place. So, we have a lot to thank God for, the priest, laity, and friends that supported us in the ministry. Sometimes some people can be so conspiring and treacherous but many of them have repented and apologized. So I’ve forgiven all those who offended me and those whom I offended through my work, I say forgive me. Now, I’m happy retiring with Enugu Diocese not as bad as I met it, not as poor as I met it and I feel fulfilled and thank God that I now have time to go and rest and establish a foundation for the poor, the less privileged and widows that I can help some people and do my lecturing.
Is it true you were once a Catholic?

No! People make mistakes. I attended a Roman Catholic school, St Aquinas College Akure, just like College of Immaculate Conception, CIC, here in Enugu. If somebody attends CIC, must he be a Roman Catholic? But you find that it was made compulsory for everybody to behave like a Roman Catholic and because of my attitude and way of life, I speak Latin, the Irish Fathers loved me and so they put me in charge of the Sacristy.
At that time, I was serving Mass, we were all made to attend the chapel, whether you are a Roman Catholic or not, it was compulsory. So, I was influenced a bit by the Roman Catholic doctrine, which was an eye-opener and my father therefore said why don’t I become a reverend father because of the way I served Mass and followed the reverend fathers for evangelism.

My father wanted me to be a lawyer and some people wanted me to be a Reverend Father. I started teaching, from teaching I was to read law in the University of Ife but I went into Theology because during the civil war I was one of those that would have been killed in the Asaba genocide but God saved my life.

In 1967 I was to be killed among those that were killed but God saved my life. When they were shooting, I fell down and in the night I escaped. So, I experienced the genocide of the Nigeria civil war. I saw war with my eyes, I saw blood with my eyes, and it was a serious genocide. Innocent people in my Asaba area were killed for nothing except that we were ‘Ajukwu’ brothers (Ojukwu brothers), that was what they were saying. My father’s first house in Asaba was burnt down, many of our houses were burnt, many of our relatives were burnt, many of our kindred were killed unnecessarily and many of our women were forcefully married by the soldiers. It was such a terrible thing that when I remember it I shed tears especially when they are doing Armed Forces Remembrance Day.
I feel that Nigeria still has to apologize to the Asaba people and to the Eastern part of Nigeria for the genocide and war. That was the reason I said that January 15, which is my birthday, Nigeria should be celebrating it as a day of mourning and forgiveness, asking God for forgiveness and thanksgiving for the end of the war. Remember that in the Bible when God destroyed the world with water Noah prayed to God and he stopped the war of water and Noah praised and thanked God for it. So if war has ended we should be able to say father thank you for the war that ended but rather than doing it what you see now is selectiveness against the Igbo. We are being neglected, sidelined and nobody is thinking about what we suffered during the civil war. This is unfortunate and I feel that President Bola Tinubu, if they could do something to MKO Abiola and honour him, the people of Asaba should be honoured with a day of forgiveness, thanksgiving and then a lot of things should be done in memory and compensation for the Eastern part of Nigeria for the civil war.

How did the Asaba genocide actually happen?
The Nigerian soldiers were to cross the River Niger and when they came they couldn’t cross. They said there was a goddess in the River called Onishee who would come out and their boat would sink because at that time the bridge had collapsed. So, the soldiers got angry and said that there were some Biafran soldiers among us. In fact, they separated us, I was about 14 years. They separated the women and said that all of us, the male, should be lined up and killed. In the course of the shooting I fell down and corpses fell on me. That was how I escaped.
When I spoke Yoruba, one of the soldiers said ‘are you a Yoruba man?’ And I said yes and that was how they rescued me. The soldiers were tall, we called them Gongola, gwodogwodo! Some of them said it was because of Chukwuma Nzeogwu, who was not from Asaba really, he was from Ika Ibo, but they still dealt with us and that’s unfortunate. To God be the glory we survived.

What do you think is the reason General Yakubu Gowon is yet to say anything about the civil war?
Gowon is very apologetic and that was why he started Nigeria Prays and we have to commend him for that. That Nigeria Prays was to revive the spirit of the people back from the civil war and to reconcile people back to God and to go on with one Nigeria.
On easterners asking General Gowon to tender an open apology
He has done it many times when he was doing Nigeria Prays, and moving around. He apologized but that’s not enough. The Nigerian government should do that because the Nigeria civil war dealt with us. In Asaba, it was a real genocide and we’re asking for apology and compensation as they do in other places.
What is your message to Nigeria as you take a bow in priesthood?
Nigeria should be a country for all of us, not a country for just one person. There should be no segregation, nobody should be neglected, and there should be equal rights and justice. Equity and justice must prevail. The Igbo must be given the same opportunity to serve Nigeria and corruption must cease. We must stop all these deceit in government. Parliament has been turned into self-centered composition; there should be no sycophancy in government. Something must be done to save Nigeria from calamity.”

“Saturday Tribune@ newspaper front page report.
Abiodun Awolaja

THE terrorists who kidnapped a bride and 62 wedding guests at Damari in Sabuwa LG of Katsina State are currently having a swell time. Not only do they have a rich supply of captive women with which to slake their depraved lusts, they also want millions to prop up their fiefdom. They are demanding N100 million, threatening to marry off the bride and sell the other abductees if their families did not pay the ransom. They dressed the bride in army uniform, slung AK-47s around the necks of the captives, and uploaded the video evidence on social media, confident that the state will not cow them. Hear their leader: “I am the one who abducted them, and I will not release them until the ransom we demanded is paid. Anyone who thinks they can rescue them should try to do so.” There’s a Daura Deceiver in the same state who did nothing to protect the people from the blood-thirsty killers but has an impenetrable wall around him while brides and grooms cannot even consummate their marriage!

Folks, there’s a reason these dogs (who once fed the twins born by a woman in their captivity to dogs) are so bold. They have backers in high places. Only recently, Danjuma Ali-Keffi, former GOC, 1 Mechanised Division of the Nigerian Army, asked President Bola Tinubu to investigate the death of former army chief, Lt-General Ibrahim Attahiru, in a plane crash in Kaduna, Kaduna State, on May 21, 2021, linking the incident to terror financiers in the country and urging the president to probe his compulsory retirement from service for exposing those top officials during the previous administration. Think about it: the terrorists who collect millions and billions often look ragged and disheveled, according to those who managed to escape from their clutches, and they are working for barons. They carry expensive weapons. They use phones. Ransoms have been paid through banks but the masterminds are still walking as free (wo)men. Something isn’t adding up.

Why don’t terrorists launch attacks in North Korea? They know that the state itself is terror; that they would be buried with bullets. They know that soldiers would use their bodies for shooting practice. Before whose dining table will a dog wag its tail? Terrorists dread Israel: Netanyahu takes a thousand lives for each life they take among his people. In the United States, these criminals would be dead in less than two hours. Japanese Admiral Yamamoto may or may not have spoken the words attributed to him, but they are true nonetheless: “You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.” In Nigeria, terrorists reign as kings, pampered by the powers that be. They know the weaknesses of a country where hospitals lack drugs, where ATMs are empty, where schools foster illiteracy, and where fuel is not guaranteed at a filling station. Hunger stalks the land as people cut up a single Titus sardine into ten pieces, buses conveying foodstuff are being attacked by hungry citizens, but the terror masterminds know no poverty. They know that the nation is not asking serious questions.

Who is supplying these terrorists with weapons and food?  Where are their families based? How do they transport huge stashes of cash across our borders?  If they convert naira to foreign currency, where do they do so? Who are their backers and where are their family houses located? Is there something customs operatives are not telling us? Can we not deploy drones and smoke them out? As part of its National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism, the U.S. Government says it  will “enhance domestic terrorism analysis and improve information sharing throughout law enforcement at the federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial levels, and, where appropriate, private sector partners, guarantee “revamped support to community partners who can help to prevent individuals from ever reaching the point of committing terrorist violence, disrupt and deter domestic terrorism activity via increased support to federal, state, and local law enforcement in addressing domestic terrorism nationwide, and “confront long-term contributors to domestic terrorism”, protecting Americans from “racial, ethnic, and religious hatred, and stemming the flow of firearms to individuals intending to commit acts of domestic terrorism, and working to ensure that law enforcement operates without bias in countering domestic terrorism.” Why can’t we take a cue from the US?

Terrorism would not thrive with the society slaughtering terrorists: daggering them till the knife is blunt, mauling them without mercy. The terrorists would not strike if they knew that the society would deploy tactical superior wickedness, castrating, daggering and incinerating them in the bush;  beheading their food suppliers and burning their houses. You have to make it clear to terrorists that once they abduct people, they will be slaughtered. To tackle these blood merchants, you impose community terrorism levy to support hunters in the bush and set up roadside squads/community information brigades. There must be a town strategy: you fight terrorists as a town, hold vigils and monitor strange faces at beer parlours, etc.

The government must set up state police, ensure drone monitoring of forests and farmsteads, locate terrorist communication with GPS, set up farm squads comprising all the armed services, deploy Man O’ War to support Amotekun, and empower forest guards. The case of the terrorists who murdered the Elesun of Esun-Ekiti, the Onimojo of Omojola-Ekiti and the Olukoro of Koro Kingdom in Ekiti LG of Kwara State proves that state policing is the way to go. A combined team of police, military and secret service operatives and vigilantes and hunters rescued the abducted wife of the late Olukoro and her little girl and arrested 13 terrorists in the forest/boundary between Kwara and Ekiti states. Another team involving police operatives, hunters, members of Agbekoya group, vigilantes and Amotekun Corps stormed Emure-Ekiti Forest, Ise/Ogbese Forest and Emure-Ile Forest in Ondo State and arrested the murderers of the Elesun and the Onimojo. The arrested terrorists, Yaya Sumaila, Idrisu Abubakar, Hassan Abudullahi, Abudullahi Abudullahi, Haruna Abubakar, Usman Abudullahi, Haruna Sule, and Babusa Alhaji Lede, will soon have their day in court.

If a man cooks for the community, say the Igbo, the community will finish the food. But if the community cooks for a man, he will never finish the food. The terrorists have been cooking for Nigerians for too long; it’s time Nigerians cooked for them. It’s time to send them to hell!”

“If you can’t explain it simply then you don’t understand it well enough.”
Albert Einstein
(1879 to 1955)
“The secret to living is giving”
Tony Robbins
(1960 – 64 years)
“The level of poverty is alarming. An estimated population of 88.4 million people in Nigeria are living in extreme poverty. Overall, 12.9 per cent of the global population in extreme poverty was found in Nigeria as of 2022.”

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