Engr. Chijioke Ogbodo Celebrates 40th Milestone Birthday in London Ontario, Canada

By Ochuko Kokofe 

In a heartwarming gathering, family and friends of Engineer Chijioke Ogbodo recently celebrated his 40th birthday in the London area of Ontario, Canada.

The surprise birthday celebration which was organised by Mrs. Ujunwa Happiness Ogbodo, the adorable wife of the celebrant, brought together close friends and business partners of the Arrow Auto boss, fondly known as Engineer Ben. Friends at the occasion, lavished praise and well wishes on the birthday boy for reaching this significant milestone.

The celebration was distinguished by an outpouring of love and admiration from those who know him well. Friends took turns expressing their appreciation for his resilience and unwavering dedication to both God and humanity. Their tributes painted a vivid picture of a man deeply committed to his faith and making a positive impact on the lives of others.

Engineer Chijioke, visibly moved by the gathering, attributed all glory to God Almighty for his life and the blessings bestowed upon his family. In his heartfelt speech, he expressed profound gratitude to everyone who came to share in his joy. He ensured that the reception was nothing short of royal, with the celebratory atmosphere filled with warmth and camaraderie, making it a memorable event for all attendees.

Among the notable guests at the occasion were the Chairman of the Igbo community in London Ontario, Chief Kenneth Emetuche, Ozor Nwawelugo Basil Okoye and Ozor Chinyelugo Raymond Okeke Ezeugulu among others. Each guest contributed to the joyous occasion with their presence and kind words, highlighting the deep respect and admiration they hold for Chijioke.

The event was hosted by Mrs. Ujunwa Ogbodo, the delectable wife of Engineer Chijioke Ogbodo, the proud owner of Arrow Auto. Arrow Auto, located in Downtown Ontario, Canada. A fully insured one-stop shop for all automobile needs. The business reflects the high standards and professionalism that Engineer Ogbodo brings to his work, serving as a testament to his dedication and expertise in the field.

The celebration of Chijioke Ogbodo’s 40th birthday was more than just a party; it was a testament to the profound impact he has had on his community and the lasting relationships he has built over the years. The event was truly a day to remember, filled with love, joy, and heartfelt gratitude.

As Engineer Ben looks forward to the future, this milestone birthday celebration stands as a reminder of the support and admiration he has garnered from his loved ones and professional circle, underscoring his significant contributions to both his faith and his community in London Ontario, Canada.

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