From Slave Ships To Cruise Ships, Customs Boss Throws Weight Behind IPADA

Customs Area Controller, Comptroller Olanrewaju Olumoh, received an August guests at his Lekki Free Trade Zone Office, when Tourism Icon, Otunba Olawanle Akinboboye, Founder of La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort; IPADA and IPADA Carnival Initiatives, led an entourage to finalise arrangements for ‘from slave ships to cruise ships,’ to arrive at the new deep sea port.

Flowing in the warmth of the reception accorded him upon arrival by the Comptroller, Otunba Olawanle Akinboboye, rolled out the essence of IPADA (The Return) and IPADA Carnival, to the Comptroller and his team made up of Asst. Comptrollers of Customs, who he had positioned for the August reception and meeting in his office.

Otunba Akinboboye outlined the purpose of IPADA which is the Return of our brothers and sisters after 400 years of slave trade, back to the African continent, with a grand two weeks celebration known as, IPADA Carnival at La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort, which is scheduled to take place, between between November and December of this year 2024 and next year 2025.

Otunba Akinboboye reeled out statistics upon statistics of various numbers of people of African descents, who are scattered all over Brazil, Europe, America and the Carribbeans and all over other parts of the world, and their readiness to return to Africa to contribute to the development of the African continent. And the importance of the sea port in the IPADA Carnival programme tagged: ‘from slave ships to cruise ships and luxurious airlines’. “Wherein our brothers and sisters left in slave ships, they will be returning in cruise ships to be celebrated on arrival.”

In his response, the Comptroller of Customs commended Otunba Olawanle Akinboboye for such a laudable initiative and the consistency which he said he must acknowledge, being that he has been hearing of La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort for decades and the various great works that Otunba Olawanle Akinboboye has been doing over the years.

“We will readily support an initiative such as yours, which promotes trade among Africans nations and also different nations of the world. Your project is coming at a very good time and it is something that we will like to identify with. Your mission will benefit the country, and the continent of Africa as a whole, so it us very imperative that we should all join hands together to ensure that it is achieved and successful,” said the Comptroller.

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