La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort Blends African Music With Meal

By Paul Ukpabio

How do you want your meal served? With love? With style? With fun? With excitement, With a unique touch? With class!

At La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort, a meal comes with a special unique package. And with all the above specifications.

Meal times are special moments at La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort Ibeju-Lekki, Lagos, Nigeria. And the whole sprawling acres of luxury African beach front is all involved. And that’s because, meal moments are not restricted to a particular space.With three African style in door restaurants, guests at the beach resort are open to a variety of spots to sit to eat. But thats not all, the food and beverage department ensures that meals comes in style and at different locations around the resort.

So outdoor meal moments are very popular here.

Breakfast could be served with guests having the opportunity to watch the early morning waves of the Atlantic ocean rushing to the shore. And lunch could be served by the Lagoon or on top of the Lagoon itself, in a floatjng boat, while dinner could be served with diners having the opportunity to enjoy an African bonfire lit up the sky!

Meal times are indeed magic moments at La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort.

But that’s not all.

Being an African styled beach resort, meal moments also comes with music, to help good digestion.

African beats. African Music by Atunda Entertainment, takes centre stage here, and it is not just a one day off thing, it’s part of your meal package!

So, you ask, what’s in a meal? A meal here is a full package!

The dancers are clad in African attires, African materials, African costumes, not unusual for guests especially female guests asking, ‘where can I get these your materials to buy?’

The African Music, the African drums, the songs, the swaying dance steps, the lyrics, melodies, laced with African culture and history are indeed magic moments here, that syncs with each meal and gives guests opportunity to enjoy the beautiful African landscape.

It brings into the mind view, the deep resonating African family home, reverberating the African essence and the fun of a meal away from home!

You are here for fun anyway, so why not dance? That’s if you are not dancing already (laugh). Good for photo ops, good memory to share later with family and friends.

It’s not unusual for guests to suddenly jump back to life, regain their youthful groove. I hear some guests even remember suddenly that they used to be drummers, join Atunda Entertainment Group momentarily and drum, drum, drum to the dance beat!

The sights are usually captivating, natural, spontaneous and good fun moments!

Think about it, when last did you really dance or let down the hair and gyrate? Good old days you say, but the days are still here for grabs at the sprawling luxurious African beach styled La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort.

La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort, a good memory to take home.

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