Monday mornings At La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort

By Paul Ukpabio

La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort gives different feelings to different people, at different times of the day, throughout the week, months and seasons.

* Founder, Otunba Olawanle Akinboboye 

Some enjoy the resort best on Monday mornings, when the hangover of the weekend, rubs off on the morning dew, with wet green leaves beckoning on you, for a feel, or a touch, as birds chirp songs into your ears as you walk through the forest, which is adjacent to some of the luxury holiday homes by the lagoon.

The monkeys jumping from one luscious tree to another, as if in an African festivity-tree-dance ceremony. Oh, the monkeys are just going about their daily businesses, (laugh) that’s if they really have a daily ‘hustle’ like we humans do.

Monday mornings are peaceful here, serene, as the cleaners go about their morning routines of returning the environment to its spick and span ‘usual’, after so much partying on Sunday night and the weekend generally.

The security personnel are at their different locations, with eagle eyes, and a reliable network of communication that is fast and prompt.

Early morning walk is soothing and refreshing, the gentle wind from the Atlantic ocean, caressing the body and the faint sound of the ocean waves commanding a stroll to the beach front of the resort.

Passing through the bar, the smell of cognac, whiskey and other choice drinks oozes as the cleaners tidy the environment, clearing the used paper cups, as other neatly-clad bar staff, work assiduously, to restore the dignity of the bar, after a late close at about 4am.

The rich smell of exotic barbecue still hangs in the air, reminding you of the good life that must have taken place at the beach front, the previous night. The charcoal at the bonfire spot confirming the laughter and the general merriment, dance, music and fun that must have supported the consumption of the exotic barbecue.

Same cleaning and tidying work was on-going at the Palmwine bar by the longest pool in the world, only found at La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort.

I was enjoying the peace and tranquility, most guests were still indoors at 6am, while a few were already at the gym, working out the body with various exercise routines.

As a philosopher, which i think i am, or pretend to be, I prefer to spend my early mornings, walking around nature, and savouring the beauty that this beach front has to offer.

A few couples were scatteredly spaced at the ocean front. Perhaps like me, they anxiously awaited the beauty of the sunrise, which usually rises from the sky above, the left hand side of the ocean, simmering down its bright yellow colours on the huge body of water, a precious sight, only found in this environment.

Nature’s best moment was when suddenly, from my location at the ocean coastline, I looked up to admire at a glance, the hundreds of coconut trees, at the beach, adding to the entire greenery, complimenting the other trees, which extends into the forest part of the beach, leading to another side of the lagoon. The entire view intertwined like poetic lyrics written by a great composer for an orchestra! Everything added up to one another.

I walked gently on, at the edge of the ocean allowing the salty water from the waves, to splash over my feet, having removed my marooned coloured sandals, and holding same in my right hand. My light cream coloured shirt and blue, baggy shorts, complimenting the sunrise that glowed from the sky, above the ocean, as I drifted closer to the area where the Atlantic ocean is separated from the lagoon by few metres of sand dunes.

Imaginations flooded my mind, with many great possibilities. I could have been anywhere in the world, maybe in the Carribeans, or at the shores of a hawaiian beach as I usually see on pages of holiday books, so far away from home. Everything here looked so similar with those photos on colourful travel magazines and books.

So romantic, are the flowers that festooned the holiday homes, that saturates the edges of the lagoon and teases guests with offer of comfort and enjoyment.

I walked, passing through the playground by the lagoon, the space used for quad biking, which overlooks the jetty, coming face to face with mangroves, a sight I have not seen in years!

It was, at this alluring space, the sand dunes between the Atlantic ocean and the lagoon, that the breakfast was set for guests the previous day. I could still recall every details of the previous Sunday morning.

Sandwiched between these two large waters, the sophistication of the breakfast setting, the silver glittering fancy food warmers, the hot food, the simple dinning tables, the simple chairs, complimenting the African themed environment of the resort, held me spell bound. I was struck by the awe of such creativity, dining by the lagoon and buffet breakfast ready at 7am!

I recalled sitting at my chosen table, as I snapped photos of the environment using my cell phone, and sending to friends, proud of where I was, and proud as an African, to share this nature’s paradise to the world.

There was so much to eat, even as the crowd of guests at breakfast, kept increasing every other minute. As we ate, we were entertained with African music, drums and African songs and dances by Atunda ENT, an in-house entertainment troupe, at this resort. So much fun, I couldn’t help but join other guests, to dance with the troupe.

But right now this Monday morning, that was history. Breakfast I have already been told, would be an a la carte. But that was fine by me. I still had the option of eating outside, sitting under any of the colourful cabanas directly in front of the ocean, or eating at the balcony of the holiday home I lodged, overlooking the lagoon, where I could have a good view, of another side of the lagoon and another part of the resort.

After my holiday at La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort, there were some special things i noted could be enjoyed on Monday mornings at this beach resort.

Monday mornings like other days at this resort, are for those who love to enjoy their holidays, swimming at the pool, before having their breakfast.

Monday mornings like other days are for those, who sit at the jetty, reading a novel that transports them to places like La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort, but faraway in other lands.

Monday mornings like other days, are for the group of guests who enjoy painting nature, who marvel at the colours they see at the resort, and desire to sketch it out.

Monday mornings like other days of the week are for special breakfast moment, eating while in a boat on the lagoon, or just having a group party in a boat for hours.

A Monday morning like other days, is a good time to profess that love, at this romance induced beach.

Monday mornings like other days at La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort are for couples who need time to be with each other, in a world of their own.

Monday mornings like other days at La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort, are for families, who must find needed peace and much needed rest.

Monday morning at La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort is time for Conference, for corporate organisations who come here for retreats.

Monday morning is camping time for schools, churches who come for Kamp Afrika or YATE programmes.

Monday morning is time for your creative energy and thinking to pop up.

Monday morning at La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort like other days, is time for you! Your own time to ride a horse, while your partner records the moment with your cell phone. Or time to do any of over 200 activities that the resort has to offer.

Paul Ukpabio is Nigeria’s Tourism Writer of the Year 2023

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