… Both Parties Agree To Host World’s First Ever Polo And Durbar Beach Fiesta

* (Left) Alhaji Nura Kangiwa; (Right) Otunba Olawanle Akinboboye


The National Institute for Hospitality and Tourism Studies (NIHOTOUR) has expressed its profound interest in partnering IPADA INITIATIVES and IPADA CARNIVAL, an annual Diaspora return programme, scheduled this year for November 29th – December 8th 2024; next year for November 28th – December 7th 2025 and onwards.

In a letter written to the Founder of IPADA CARNIVAL and IPADA INITIATIVES, Otunba Olawanle Akinboboye, NIHOTOUR Director General and CEO, Alhaji Nura Sani Kangiwa, expressed the organisation’s excitement to participate in the upcoming strategic events.

“We are pleased to inform you that the National Institute for Hospitality and Tourism Studies (NIHOTOUR) is excited to participate in this strategic partnership. We recognize the significance of the Ipada Carnival and its mission to promote cultural vibrancy and pride, as well as facilitate travel and experiences across the African continent. We believe that
collaborating with Ipada will not only benefit our institute but also
contribute to the broader goals of promoting tourism, hospitality, and
cultural exchange in Nigeria and beyond. We look forward to working together towards a successful partnership and contributing to the success of the Ipada Carnival by adding Polo and Durbar to the bouquet of events that would add glitter to the 2024 edition,” stated the letter.

Speaking further on the partnership, Tourism Icon, Otunba Olawanle Akinboboye said that the partnership is a result of the power of ideas!

“It is the result of our focus on developing, inspirational ideas to empower older and younger entrepreneurs in the tourism industry for the benefit of our dear nation Nigeria, and the entire continent of Africa. As you can see, we have in the last few months been developing concepts and various tourism products to boost the vibrancy of the tourism industry. It is from such energy that a synergy between the National Institute for Hospitality and Tourism Studies (NIHOTOUR) and IPADA INITIATIVES and IPADA CARNIVAL has been conceived,” said Akinboboye.

On his part, the NIHOTOUR DG / CEO Alhaji Nura Kangiwa, who is also the President of Nigeria Polo Federation (NPF) and equally heads the African Regional Group in the governing board of the International Chovken Federation (ICF), said that:

“We are not just going to have a Polo And Durbar Beach Fiesta, what we are going to have in November and December at IPADA CARNIVAL will be, the First Ever World’s Polo And Durbar Beach Fiesta! Which will feature the following:

1. African Beach Polo (Chovken) Championship
2. Colourful Royal Durbar (Horse) Procession
3. Displays of Hausa Traditional Sports and Various Folk Arts including Wrestling, Crocodiles performances, ‘Yantauri’ (knives artists) and other uncommon entertainment.
4. Training of La Campagne Tropicana Host Community Youths and Women on Tour Guide Operation

“Already, we have got confirmation of participation for this World’s First Ever Polo And Durbar Beach Fiesta, from Morrocco, Ghana, Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa, Kuwait and Hong Kong. Though Kuwait and Hong-Kong are not Africa, but they have asked for participation, of which we have gladly accepted, as Friends and Lovers of Africa, who will be part of the celebration during IPADA CARNIVAL.

“We are expecting other confirmations from China, Japan and other African countries,” said Nura Kangiwa.

Meanwhile, other partnerships so far secured for IPADA CARNIVAL AND IPADA INITIATIVES includes: The Federal Ministry of Tourism, Lagos State Government, Ekiti State Government, and Ondo State Government, Corporate Guards and La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort.

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