PROF REMI DUYILE: Ipada is a call for people to move, be part of building Africa continent

Professor Remi Duyile, a former Vice President of Retail, Premier, and Mortgage Banking with Bank of America, now a serial entrepreneur and speaker as well as engaging in the empowerment and building of African continent, especially working with Africans and Blacks in the Diaspora, recently visited La Campagne Tropicana Beach resort, as one of the earlier callers for the forthcoming Ipada Carnival and Ipada Initiative. In this interview, she spoke on the essence of the project and reasons for Nigerians, Africans and the world to embrace it.


Professor Remi Duyile life’s journey started at the backwaters of Ondo town in Ondo State, with her parents, especially her father, whom she talks glowingly about, showering her with so much love and care. It is not then surprising that she described her growing up years as ‘beautiful.’

After her early education, she left Nigeria for United States of America, where she got an MBA from the University District of Columbia in Finance and Economics.

In her early days back in Nigeria, she has always envisioned herself as a banker and when the opportunity came her way to fulfill her dream, she went for it. With her MBA, she was employed by the then Nation’s Bank, which over the years had transformed to become the Bank of America, as a teller.

Someone else would had seen that as demeaning, given her higher educational qualification. However, she felt on top of the world because she saw it as pathway to fulfilling her dream. Few months later her talent, dedication and educational qualification spoke for her, as she was moved to a higher position.

That marked the beginning of her announcing her arrival in the banking and corporate world as she rose through the ranks to become the first female and African to serve as Vice President of Retail, Premier, and Mortgage Banking.

She served in this position for 17 years, managing over 600 financial portfolios of high net worth. Duyile after her glorious stint with the bank became a serial entrepreneur and committed speaker, devoted to serving the course of humanity in different spheres.

Duyile set up among others a mortgage firm – Premier Mortgage Solutions; an International consulting firm – Image Consulting Group; and a non-profit providing mentorship and financial literacy for women and girls – Legacy Premier Foundation.

One area of interest for her is in empowering Africans and building the continent. She has over the years worked in collaboration with Otunba Wanle Akinboboye, spearheading some of the activations of Motherland Beckons and Continent Building Initiative of his.

It is in furtherance of this interest that she has latched onto the Ipada Carnival 2024 and Ipada Initiative that is slated to hold between November and December this year in La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort, Lagos on account of which she recently visited the resort as one of the early callers from the Diaspora.

How excited are you to be back home again?

I am someone who has been gone from the continent for a while. And because of situations like this, events like this, we are reminded of the importance of our coming back, returning home.

I’m excited to be here. Of course, I’ve been there for four decades and I’ve done Africa proud, done Nigeria proud, and thankful that we have an opportunity, a call to help and be part of a movement that is truly moving in Nigeria, of course, on the continent

With the leadership of our able mentor, leader, the builder, Otunba Wanle Akinboboye, one of the people who is here.

How do you see Ipada Initiative panning out for the continent?

On Ipada Initiative

Its timing is so perfect. For those of us who have been gone for so many decades, still doing stuff there, you get to a point, you want to give back, want to pay forward, and where best can you do it than your home, your origin, where everything you try to do is going to affect a life.

Mentorship is needed, stewardship is needed, and so many things are needed. So the timing for Ipada, if you ask me, is brilliant. The platform and the process that Ipada planning has taken is phenomenal.

It wasn’t just something that somebody woke up and said, oh, we’re going to do this tomorrow. We had 81 meetings. Every single week there has been a meeting, and this meeting has grown into so many other people who may have been on the fence when we started but when they saw the continuity, they knew that this was a movement that was moving.

So, I’m just saying that we’re thankful, especially for those of us in the Diaspora, we’re very thankful that there’s a platform where we can truly examine and align and be able to do the great work that is needed on the continent.

For the continent to move, we, the daughters and sons of the continent, have to move, and Ipada is a call for people to move and be part of this movement.

What is your perception of Ipada Carnival 2024?

I would like to invite all Diasporas wherever you are, make it a date to this carnival. It’s not just an event that happens once, the network of people that you are going to meet, the preparation that’s ongoing now.

I’m visiting, inspecting, and getting excited about what’s yet to come. So, I would say to you, please plan your trip. Come, especially during November/December period, but every day there’s an equator happening on this resort.

So be ready. It’s not just another carnival. It has a business orientation, it has a recreational orientation, and a networking orientation. So, when you’re coming, you’re coming to just have a one-stop.

Bring your family, bring your friends. Know that this is the connection and the reconnection you need to be able to align with the right people who can help you to pivot into Africa, wherever your choice of country is.

That is what is unique about this. It’s not just a Nigerian thing. It’s not just a Ghanaian thing. It is something that is continental. So come on, come on board. Let’s know what you’re looking for. Have fun.

Just merry, meet people, and let’s build this great continent together. If the continent is meant to change for the best, it is going to take you and me, those of you reading this now and later, all of us have something to give.

See what I’m always told. What can you do for your country? Not what your country can do for you. Come with that mentality. Come have fun and be there. I’ll just say come on and have fun and it will be a great experience.

You participated in IPADA tree planting ceremony. What is the significance of this tree planting ceremony?

Wow. That tree planting, first of all, was a very honourable experience when you were first in line of many more great people coming behind you. That is very special. It was so real when I realised, oh, wait a minute, we’re starting something historical.

And guess what? Yours truly is one of those. I’m like, wow, this is very special. And it reminds us of the work, W-O-R-K, that’s ahead of us. Because all of this movement can only work if we all step into our calling, to our gifting, and begin to move one stone at a time.

So that planting of the tree kind of reminded me personally that we’ve got work to do. And it’s not just work that will be in our lifetime, because the builder kept on emphasising the tree planting that will be before, I mean, that will happen way after we’re gone.

People will be sitting under that tree maybe after we’ve gone beyond. I mean, that just was real. Like, this is something so big that’s going to be bigger than us who are present now. And that got me excited, because I’m always interested in legendary projects, legendary initiatives, because I know to whom much is given, much is required.

How do you see the business angle of Ipada Initiative?

That too is very laudable because you can focus on doing business, you can leverage the local businesses because there are systems that have been put in place. Business Unusual has been put in place for those of you or us that might say, you know, I don’t know a lot about Nigeria.

I don’t know what I can do, but you can start with Business Unusual and partner with the local people who are already aligned to work and we have a team who oversees that. This won’t be just you deciding on something and getting burnt. It’s a process and these are vetted and trusted people.

What are the other activities lined up that people can benefit from?

So many things, I can go on and on about the activities that are going to come during the period because they are phenomenal. The beach polo and durbar fiesta, these are things that you don’t hear it happen in Nigeria or in Africa. I commend the visionary gust in our able leader, Ambassador Otunba Wanle Akinbobobye for consistently being able to bring out the best in all that needs to happen in Africa and how not only has he connected locally in Africa, he has gone to the Caribbean finding ways to call people.

So they can see themselves in the opportunities because it’s an opportunity, when you’re called to serve, it’s an opportunity, when you’re called to be part of something that’s new because when you open your ears, your eyes, your mind, you might see that that could be where you find your passion, that could be where you find your greatness.

How would you describe Wanle Akinboboye’s envisioning of Ipada Initiative?

I have to mention the visionary, the person who has been at the helm of affairs since 1984 when he migrated here. When here was not here, it was just woods and bushes and all that but to see the transformation of one man and of course, many of the people, who are maybe helping him behind the scene, coming up with creative ways.

To see how houses are put together, how service is put together, how teams are built, helping the local government and local area people to engage, that is a visionary building.

Not saying that oh, I’m going to build and let the halves come and the not halves be away, but rather, everybody come, see where they fit and I know that those who have had the privilege of working with him, most stay here for a long time, I’ve seen some people over 10, 15, 20 years and they’re still here.

So we know something is working and what I’m so excited about with the vision and the whole compartments of initiatives whether be it Motherland Beckons, Corporate Guards or Ipada Carnival, it’s not just about him, it’s about collaborative efforts.

To let people see, okay, here is a vision, it is like having an elephant in the room. How do you begin to eat out of that? He breaks it down, so if this is an area you fit in you’re there. He’s consistent with what he does because he has been in the Diaspora.

I’m not saying those who haven’t been in the Diaspora don’t have initiatives but there’s a painstaking way that when you’ve lived in the Diaspora and you’re birthing an idea, an initiative, you think through the process of what will make it conducive for somebody who is not a regular resident of this country.

What can you say of the transformation of La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort over the years as a regular visitor?

Of course, I’m not a visitor here, I’ve visited a few times. And if there’s something phenomenal about it, when you have an authentic resort that is intentional about bringing that Africanism, bringing that togetherness, when you’re walking, nobody knows where you’re from, who you are, just that warmth.

The food, oh, my God, the food, the hospitality and just the continual enhancement of the resort. I marvel every time I come here. I was just here in December last year. Briefly, I came now. Everything looks like so many other things have happened.

So there’s that intentional effort to make sure that that the origin of why this place was created, we never lose sight of it. Not to even talk about the many other branches. And I have to really blush on this one, the one in my hometown in Ondo.

That was my first visit. And I was wondering, how did we find this location? Because I was born in Ondo. I lived there for a few years before I went to the United States. And just seeing the many settings that are there, it’s just phenomenal.

Otunba Wanle Akinboboye has a vision that is self-driven. Of course, we give God the glory, but that’s self-driven and willing to do all that it takes to ensure that people see the power they carry because he exhibits his and by exhibiting his, he gives us the impression that people don’t have to approve of what you’re going to do.

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