Tourism Icon Otunba Wanle Akinboboye Set To Develop World’s First Ever Beach Safari Linking 3 States

Tourism Icon Otunba Olawanle Akinboboye (right) with Mr Kelvin Ikegwuonu (left)


The development of the world’s first ever beach safari, across three states in Nigeria, took off on a glorious note few days ago, when Tourism Icon, Otunba Olawanle Akinboboye received Mr Kelvin Ikegwuonu, the Special Adviser, Medical Tourism, to the Honourable Minister of Tourism.

Otunba Olawanle Akinboboye took Mr Ikegwonu, on an excursion, to some of the sprawling landscapes that cuts across Lagos, Ogun and Ondo state, the proposed location for the beach safari, that will stretched the whole length from La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort, in Ikegun, Ibeju-lekki local government area, Lagos, down to Ondo state on the Atlantic ocean coastline. A total of about 844 kilometres.

Mr Kelvin Ikegwonu who was on a courtesy visit to the beach resort, could not help but marvel at the beach safari site and the natural endowment of the entire corridor, for the proposed route of the world’s first ever beach safari.

Groundwork commenced few days afterwards as Tourism Icon Otunba Olawanle Akinboboye led another entourage on an expedition to the different villages that would benefit from the upcoming project, in a familiarisation tour of the entire coastline.

It was another vintage day of practical tourism with the Tourism icon, Otunba Akinboboye as he lectured the team about the various locations and the history that comes with each place.

Most of this riverine villages made up of fishing communities have found a home here for centuries. Some communities over time have migrated away in the course of centuries, to be replaced by newer communities and so on.

The villages are mostly separated and identified firstly by their names, which most often takes after the body of the water that feeds the community by way of providing them a fishing profession and food. This huge body of water is the lagoon, whose tributaries stetches to the edge of the Atlantic ocean fondly called and known as Oso, amongst the people.

The Oso provides them fresh water and offers them various sea foods and more importantly provides an avenue for transportation by canoe from one village to another, an alternative to the long walk on the sandy shores of the ocean. As a matter of fact, the people’s livestyle revolves around the two mighty bodies of water, the Oso on one hand, and the Atlantic ocean that overlooks the villages on the other hand. Even up to the point of religion, as Africans, they religiously pay homage and worship to the body of water at different seasons with colourful indigenous ceremonies. The Oso’s more or less serves as the boundaries separating each of the villages from the other. And In time past, it is said that rivalry over the ownership of the Oso(s), persisted among the villagers on both sides of each Oso.

* At the border between Lagos and Ogun state


From time to time within the year which is seasonal, the Oso water goes into the ocean on a visit especially during the rainy season, which empties into the oceans, giving the villages an opportunity to have more dry land around them. At this time too, its easier to pick up fishes and other seafood like crabs, crayfish and so on, on the floor of the Oso.

So from one Oso to another, Otunba Akinboboye took the expedition team across, Ogun ise, akodo ise, oso ilogbo, Apa Keta, oso Igbeki, Oloka, Ijegbe, all in Ogun state then to the boundary between Lagos and Ogun states, unto Oso Akede which is ten minutes to Ondo state border by power bike. Afterwards the expedition went as far as Elegbefon, Agbelede which is alo known as Balori.

Otunba Olawanle Akinboboye spoke glowingly about the beach safari development which will sweep through the 844 kilometres stretch of beach front with rest places in between the various Oso(s), with fitted conveniences for tourists travelling along this pathway. There will also be entertainment centres and well fitted solar lights that will lit up, and enhance the brightness of the whole stretch of the beach safari, all through the night.

“The world’s first ever beach safari, across three states, Lagos, Ogun and Ondo states has come to stay,” Otunba Akinboboye re-assured after the expedition.

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