Your Environment Brings Out The Creativity In You

By Paul Ukpabio

When your environment is picturesque
When your environment is beautiful
When your environment is captivating
When your environment is nature’s gift to man
When your environment is an alluring fulfilling ecosystem
When your environment is Eden.

Then creativity comes alive.
The hidden talents in you, stirs up.
The artist in you wakes up
Suddenly, you feel like holding a camera
You feel like capturing the moment
You feel like keeping the moment
You feel like archiving the memory for a future reference!

That’s what La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort does to every guest. At La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort;

You see more than you have been told.
You see more than you have read.
You see more than you expected.

Then you react
You want to hold it
You want to keep it
You want to cherish it!

We know that feeling.
We know that experience.

So, at La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort, materials are already available to help you keep your memories.

From your selfie opportunities, to professional photo-shoot and video recordings, guests are given ample opportunities to keep their special memories.

You can paint your next masterpiece here or snap your award-winning photographs here.

24 hours here reveals a different aspect of nature long concealed to you.

What are you waiting for?

Book a holiday now…
+234 8052225226

For an artist retreat, writer’s retreat, group retreat or others.

Your environment brings out the creativity in you.

You wouldn’t know how creative you are, until you are here.

La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort environment, reveals the real you, to you.

– Paul Ukpabio is Nigeria’s Tourism Writer Of The Year 2023

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